Why an Apprenticeship at Bellyflop TV worked for me!

video by bellyflop tv

The team at Bellyflop TV have recently filmed themselves in blogs and each week we will be publishing them to give you an insight into our world! Here’s our apprentice Josh and his story.   Transcript: Hey up everyone, Josh here from BellyflopTV! It’s been a year since I joined the team, so I’d like […]

How does YouTube rate a video as popular?

Search results page on YouTube

Just because a video has lots of views, it doesn’t mean it will be at the top of the search results page on YouTube. This is because YouTube measures the popularity of a video on the audience retention, and not the number of views. This ‘audience retention’ is the percentage of those that watch much of the […]

A Day with YouTube

video by bellyflop tv

I was fortunate to spend Saturday with the staff from Youtube as well as fellow YouTubers, at an event in Manchester. The day was set up to give advice, tips and support to the ‘YouTube community’, as well as give a heads up on the latest developments in YouTube technology. Although they do the events a few […]