Social Media- Take Control.

Rick Astley Social Media bellyflop tv

Do you have control of your social media or are you just spending far too much time on it? And as a business you may be feeling that social media has no real benefits so all the more reason to give it up.

Rick Astley YouTube

Well follow Rick Astley’s belief, he is ‘never gonna give you up’ but he only spent 3 minutes 32 seconds telling you! Likewise don’t spend hours on social media, just manage the time on it better.

Social media is simply the art of communication. Some people can’t resist going to the pub every night as they would miss the banter, others need to spend hours on the phone each evening, or always read the newspaper.

Giving up on social media could lead to ‘reputation poverty’- that is explained here. 

The Guardian ran this article called ‘Does quitting social media make you happier?’ It includes quotes such as…  ‘I also felt that if I wasn’t tagging myself at restaurants or uploading photos from nights out, people would assume I wasn’t living’.

But an all out quit is not necessary (and for business owners is not an option, although you could get someone else to do your social media but that’s another story / blog post).

Here are a few ways you could be in control:

Don’t try to be all things on all platforms- Look at what you either enjoy using, get the best response from, or where you have the best connections (quality is better than quantity). For us the priority in order is Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, Instagram, Periscope.

Quality over quantity- the best example of this is Linkedin, which is talked about here. 

Don’t get distracted- A quick Google search to find out when Downton Abbey started on ITV can soon become virtual tours of stately homes. Give yourself five minutes to chat and react on Twitter.

Dead time is ‘social media’ time- Walking to the car, in the lift- those are perfect times to update Facebook. And as you are often away from a work situation your brain is sometimes in a clearer position to write posts.

Give yourself topics to focus on- A list of three subjects to focus on is better so you have direction. So maybe through October your main messages are about the business anniversary, a special offer and a new staff member.

People judge you- Those on the other side of a keyboard or iPhone screen are looking at what you are saying. If you become overpowering or repetitive people will disconnect from you, or mute / hide your messages. So retweet things once or twice at a time not 20 retweets.

Back to Rick Astley, and ‘Never Gonna Give You Up’ has reached over 224 million views on YouTube. You never know when someone will pick up on what you say online in the future so keep it to quality rather than quantity. Now kiss your iPhone and say…



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