On almost every film shoot we do, we also take photographs- of people, places, and products.
We use photos in the video edit if we need a close-up static shot of an object for example, but we also do photography as an extra added value for customers.
Quite often the filming location (such as an office or shop) has been tidied up for the video session, so it’s a chance to catch it looking well presented on photography as well.
Above: A typical example of a range of images sent o a customer after a film shoot.
Also, as we are filming all of the staff tend to be in attendance so it’s a good opportunity to get a group shot of a workforce all together.
Finally, as we have spent a good few hours at the location people have got used to us being around so are more relaxed having their photograph taken by us.
At the end of the filming shoot, the photographs are then edited subtley and we send the customer a download link to the photographs usually by the following day or two using the website hightail.com.
Find out how Josh gets creative with photography in this previous blog post.
These photographs are the customers to use however they wish, such as social media, websites, or blogs, and they can be useful thumbnail images for the video on YouTube too. We have become the photographer at award ceremonies where we are filming, or photographs when a press release is written to promote a film.
Still images of the Bubble Rush event are handy for promotion.
The team from Panoptica Opticians in north London we recently filmed, in their staff photo.
They are high quality images so will work for print (customers have used them in brochures and leaflets), and regularly we see them as new profile photos on Linkedin or popping up on Twitter and facebook streams.
Examples of one of our photographs can be seen on our Facebook page here.
Author: Jonathan Robinson is the founder fo bellyflop.tv and regularly complete the filming on location.