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We all know the funeral sector is currently experiencing a time of change, with the CMA rulings effective from October 2021 and FCA regulation being effective from July 2022 covering the sale of funeral plans. The changes have meant that the funeral sector is being forced to adapt and change. Marketing and promotional activities that the sector may have used previously may not be as effective or may not even be permitted under the new regulations.
We understand that many funeral professionals do not want to sell their services. It seems crass and insensitive. We know there is a duty of care not to burden families with unnecessary expenses.
At Bellyflop, we understand the challenges independent businesses offering personal services face in attracting new customers. We support our clients to develop a simple but effective marketing strategy that delivers results.
We have drafted our free guide, especially for the independent funeral sector, to support them in marketing their business sensitively but effectively.
Please complete the form to receive your free, user-friendly guide, which you will be able to download and use to help review your marketing activities and develop your marketing strategies to promote and grow your business.