FREE VIDEO ADS! – Yep! You read that right!
You know how I am always advocating getting the best value from what you already have, whether thats the camera on your phone or your existing archive of footage well take a look at this.
It’s not ours and I won’t make a single penny from it but it might help you to communicate with your customers more efficiently via YouTube.
Why bother with YouTube, it’s been around for ages so surely it’s had it’s day now right? WRONG! YouTube just happens to be the worlds second largest search engine with the biggest being Google. Oh and YouTube is owned by Google who love to promote their own products (the same as any business) so if that isn’t a compelling enough reason then consider this, 85% of businesses use video for marketing so if you’re not using it theres a good chance your competition is!
What more can I say to convince you to give it a whirl apart from reminding you that you probably have more opportunity to learn how to do this now than you will have once you’re back in the office trying to claw back from Corona! To find out more about this nifty new google tool click here.
Do you like to follow expert advice and guidance? Well 95% of video marketers plan to increase or maintain their spending on video. They wouldn’t do that if it didn’t pay would they? Well 91% of marketers are satisfied with the return on investment (ROI) of their video and 93% of businesses have landed a customer because of a video on social media.
Have you noticed how EVERYONE seems to be doing video now? Well you didn’t imagine it, video views have grown by 220x on twitter in the last 12 months. Tweets with video are 6x more likely to be retweeted than tweets with images and 3x more likely than tweets with a gif.
Are you not big on twitter? Native LinkedIn videos get shared 20x more than other types of content. On facebook? In the UK the average engagement rate on a facebook post is 3.82%, the average engagement on a photo post is 5.48% and for a video post 6.96%.
Based on statistics pre-covid19 (yeah, remember those days) people spent an average of 16 hours watching online videos each week – since social distancing was enforced social channels have all seen a marked increase in usage. Part of that will be people topping up their skills portfolio as 4 in 5 people learn new skills using online videos but people aren’t just looking for info or watching cat videos, (I enjoy a good cat video as much as the next person – just search ‘cucumber cat’ and enjoy the giggle) no, people are actually looking to inform their purchase decisions. YouTube, Facebook and Instagram are the top three platforms for driving purchases.
I really hope you find this useful, remember you can subscribe to our YouTube channel too by clicking here.
Until next time, have a great week!