FREE VIDEO ADS! Take 2 minutes to find out how.

FREE VIDEO ADS! – Yep! You read that right! You know how I am always advocating getting the best value from what you already have, whether thats the camera on your phone or your existing archive of footage well take a look at this. It’s not ours and I won’t make a single penny from it […]

Three Things You Need To Consider When Setting Up Your Business Social Media

You just created some social media content – Awesome! What next? Before you share it with your audience, how does it fit with your social media strategy? What? You mean you don’t have one! Don’t worry, lots of businesses don’t but we can help you rectify that with apps, or rather A.P.P.S! Many small businesses are embracing the […]

Three ways to boost business after Easter Lockdown

We have looked to see what we may be able to do to support other businesses at this time. We have looked at our skillsets and have stripped back some of our services to be able to provide no-frills support packages for business.

Time & Light – Get It Right!

Hello! If you have been following this short series of blogs then by now hopefully you have picked up some good tips on how to create your own content. If you have been experimenting then I am sure you are already starting to see what works for you and what doesn’t. Remember I blogged about […]

Check your behind!

Before you next create a video then just before you press record take a look at what your viewers will see.