I was fortunate to spend Saturday with the staff from Youtube as well as fellow YouTubers, at an event in Manchester.
The day was set up to give advice, tips and support to the ‘YouTube community’, as well as give a heads up on the latest developments in YouTube technology. Although they do the events a few times a year they are quite sought after with people attending from all over the UK.
The YouTube Creator Day Wristband!
Most people there are individual YouTubers who want to build the success of their own channel whereas I want to get knowledge and help for my customers.
So, in a nutshell this is what I learned:
- Google.com/trends is the place to go if you want to do videos (and blogs) on set subjects that are about to become big trending topics.
- Every YouTube channel needs a ‘mission’– ideally a written statement about what the channel is setting out to do in the description, and something that becomes the ethos of those making the videos.
- Make things mobile friendly. Lots of settings (such as thumbnails, end boards, and ‘cards’) need to be revised for mobile which is where the majority of YouTube visitors come from.
- You can schedule videos so that they go ‘live’ at set times.
- Be positive. You should always respond to positive comments.
- Snapchat is massive. If you don’t know or understand it, you need to.
The event featured a question and answer panel with a few YouTube ‘stars’.
I don’t make the most of the knowledge we have of YouTube and just take it for granted that
customers know what we know, so in 2017 I’m hoping to focus a lot more on helping customers get the most out of their YouTube channels as the opportunities are huge!
Author: Jonathan Robinson started his own YouTube channel back in 2006 and films many of the videos for bellyflop.tv.